Audio and Transcripts of Halliday's talks

From this page you can:

The initials next to the transcripts refer to the transcriber. (ml) = Margaret Littler, (jb) = John Bailey, (bh) = Bob Hardy, (ar) = Alan Roberts, (hd) = Henry Dent, (cf) = Caroline Freestone, (md) = Mark Dunton, (gs) = Gesine Stone, (rf) = Richard Freeman, (zh) = Zhu Hennessy, (hy) = Hephzibah Yohannan, (cw) = Carol Wademan, (st) = Sheila Taylor, (pm) = Penny Moon, (ab) = Andrew Bird, (el) = Elisabeth Lawrence, (anon) = Anonymous, (mg) = Michael Graham, (ad) Antony Duckworth, (RN) = Rachel Neat. Many thanks to the transcribers for all their hard work.

ABC of Relations.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (bh) | .html (bh)

Transcripts: .pdf (bh) | .html (bh)

Transcripts: .pdf (bh) | .html (bh)

Accident Proneness (no audio)
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Advice to Young Girls.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml) | .pdf (jb)

Alpha & Omega.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (bh) | .html (bh)

AMN Complete.mp3 [2:23]
Transcripts: Please do one!
Analysis.mp3 [0:59]
Transcripts: .pdf (ar) | .doc (ar) | .html (ar)

Ancestral Influence.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (ml)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Transcripts: .pdf (bh) | .html (bh)

Applying What We Know.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (bh) | .html (bh)

Aquarian Age.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .doc (jb) | .html (jb) | .pdf (ml) | .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Architecture and Forms (no audio)
Transcripts: .pdf (ml) | .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Are We Tried More Than We Can Bear? (no audio)
Transcripts: .pdf (ml) | .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Arrogance.mp3 [1:10]
Transcripts: .docx (bh) | .pdf (bh) | .html (bh)

Assimilation (1).mp3
Transcripts: See next entry

Assimilation (1 and 2).mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)

Assimilation (2).mp3
Transcripts: See previous entry

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml) | .pdf (ar - with tutorial)

Transcripts: .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb)

Beauty & Suffering.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml) | .doc (jb)

Transcripts: .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb)

Belief & Doubt.mp3 [2:00]
Transcripts: .doc (ab) | .pdf (ab) | .html (ab)

Bending the Knee.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Body Wisdom.mp3 [1:32]
Transcripts: .doc (pm) | .pdf (pm) | .html (pm)

Boehme.mp3 [0:37] (incomplete?)
Transcripts: .pdf (rf) | .docx (rf) | .html (rf)

Bowl of Cherries.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .html (jb) | .doc (jb) | .pdf (ar) | .html (ar)

Buddhist Wheel (1).mp3
Transcripts: (transcript included in next entry)

Buddhist Wheel (1 and 2).mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .html (jb) | .docx (jb)

Buddhist Wheel (2).mp3
Transcripts: (transcript included in previous entry)

Transcripts: .doc (md) | .pdf (md) | .html (md)

Centres in the Human Being (no audio)
Transcripts: None
Audience notes: .pdf (ff) | .html (ff)

Transcripts: .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb)

Transcripts: .doc (md) | .html (md)

Church & State.mp3
Transcripts: .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb)

Classical / Romantic.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb)

Transcripts: .pdf (hd) | .doc (hd)

Colour / Tarot.mp3
Transcripts: .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb)

Comings of Messiah.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Transcripts: .pdf (ar)

Conscience.mp3 [1:09]
Transcripts: .odt (RN) | .pdf (RN) | .epub (RN) | .html (RN)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Cosmo-Sexual Polarity.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Cyclic Law.mp3 [0:57]
Transcripts: .doc (rf) | .pdf (rf) | .html (rf)

Transcripts: .pdf (ar) | .pdf (with tutorial - ar)

Deja Vu.mp3 [1:04]
Transcripts: .doc (ar) | .pdf (ar) | .html (ar)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Demonic Voice (no audio)
Transcripts: None
Audience notes: .pdf (ff) | .html (ff)

Desire & the Ego.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Dialectics.mp3 [1:12]
Transcripts: .pdf (cw) | .html (cw)

Divine Hermaphrodite (1).mp3
Transcripts: Included in next entry

Divine Hermaphrodite (1 and 2).mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Divine Hermaphrodite (2).mp3
Transcripts: Included in previous entry

Transcripts: .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb)

Duty.mp3 [1:58]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Each and All.mp3 [1:29]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Easter Eggs Discussion.mp3 [1:10]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Easter Play 1969 (no audio)
Transcripts: None
Audience notes: .pdf (ff) | .html (ff)

Education.mp3 [0:32]
Transcripts: .pdf (cw/ar) | .html (cw/ar)

Education and Conditioning (no audio)
Transcripts/Notes: .doc (ml)

Transcripts: .doc (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .htm (jb)

Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb) | .pdf (bh) | .doc (bh) | .html (bh)

Transcripts: .pdf (ar)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

E.S.P. (no audio)
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Eternal Recurrence.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Eternal Recurrence (1).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Eternal Recurrence (1 and 2).mp3 [1:51]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Eternal Recurrence (2).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Eternity and Time (1).mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Eternity and Time (1 and 2).mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Eternity and Time (2).mp3
Transcripts: Transcript above includes second part

Every Spirit Seeks a Body.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Transcripts: .odt (RN) | .pdf (RN) | .epub (RN) | .html (RN)

Exhaltation and the Will.mp3 [1:23]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Existence of God.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Existential Philosophy.mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Expediency Higher & Lower.mp3 [1:04]
Transcripts: .doc (jb)

Faith.mp3 [1:28]
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Fall of Adam.mp3 [1:20]
Transcripts: .doc (jb)

Fantasy and Imagination.mp3 [1:06]
Transcripts: .pdf (anon) | .doc (anon) | .html (anon)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb)

Field Consciousness.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

First Love.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Fool.mp3 [1:04]
Transcripts: .doc (hd) | .doc (ml)?

Four Beasts.mp3 [1:22]
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Four Fixed Signs.mp3
Transcripts: .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml) | .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)

Function of Passion.mp3 [1:28]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Transcripts: .pdf (cf) | .doc (cf) | .html (cf)

Geometrical Symbols.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Geometrical Thinking.mp3 [1:01]
Transcripts: .pdf (zh) | .doc (zh) | .html (zh)

God and Devil.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (gs) | .doc (gs) | .html (gs)

God as Projectionist.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (ml edited by hy)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

God or Field?.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml).html (ml) | .doc (jb)

God Walking in the Garden.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Goodness, Truth, Beauty.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Gospel of St. Thomas.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (jb)

Harmonics.mp3 [2:01]
Transcripts: .pdf (st) | .doc (st) | .html (st)

Harmonics / Ideas.mp3 [1:48]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Heavenly Jerusalem.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Here and Now.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)
Audience notes: .pdf (ff) | .html (ff)

Hetman (1).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Hetman (1 and 2).mp3 [2:43]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Hetman (2).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Hexonic Field.mp3 [2:15]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Hidden Persuaders.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (gs) | .doc (gs) | .html (gs)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)

Hierarchy in Body Centres (1).mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml).html (ml) | .pdf (jb) 

Hierarchy in Body Centres (1 and 2).mp3
Transcripts: Transcripts above might include second part...

Hierarchy in Body Centres (2).mp3
Transcripts: Transcripts above might include this second part...

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Honour & Honesty.mp3 [2:08]
Transcripts: .doc (hd)

Honouring Thy Father & Mother.mp3
Transcripts: Please transcribe

How Not to be Influenced (no audio)
Transcripts: None
Audience notes: .pdf (ff) | .html (ff)

Transcripts: .pdf (ar) | .doc (jb)

Illegitimacy of God.mp3 [1:15]
Transcripts: HPlease transcribe

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .doc (jb) | .html (ml)

Inclination / Choice.mp3 [1.03]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Transcripts: John and Alison are doing this one...

Transcripts: .doc (ml).html (ml) | .doc (jb)

Inhibition & Repression.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml) | .doc (jb)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Integration (1).mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (jb)

Integration (1 and 2).mp3
Transcripts: Transcript above might include second part...

Integration (2).mp3
Transcripts: Transcript above might include this second part...

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml) | .doc (jb)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml) | .doc (jb)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml)
Audience notes: .pdf (ff) | .html (ff)

On Ishval.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .pdf (ml) | .html (ml)

On Jesusmp3 [1:33]
Transcripts: .docx (mg) | .pdf (mg) | .html (mg)

Jesus the Being (no audio)
Transcripts: None
Audience notes:
.pdf (ff) | .html (ff)

Judgementmp3 [0:53]
Transcripts: .pdf (ad) | .doc (ad) | .html (ad)

Kingdom Within.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .doc (jb) | .html (jb)

Knots.mp3 [1:23]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Last Judgement.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .pdf (ml) | .html (ml)

Last Words (Easter 1987).mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .pdf (jb)

Transcripts: Please do one!

Letters 'I, Y, J'.mp3 [1.25]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Letter 'K'.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (jb) The letter K as opposed to the letter T (ar) ?

Letter 'M' (1).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Letter 'M' (1 and 2).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Letter 'M' (2).mp3 [2:55]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Letter 'R'.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .doc (jb)

Levels of Being.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)

Life is Hard.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml) | .doc (jb)

Listening and Dream (no audio)
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Long Body.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Love & Death.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)
Audience notes: .pdf (ff) | .html (ff)

Love & Will.mp3 [1:30]
Transcripts: : .doc (rf) | .pdf (rf) | .html (rf)

Love / Hate.mp3 [0:56]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Transcripts: .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb)

Lucent Fish.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Lucky Numbers.mp3 [1:18]
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .pdf (ml) | .html (ml)

Magic.mp3 [1:22]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Transcripts: .pdf (hd)

Magic & the Zodiac.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (jb)

Making Things Operative.mp3 [1:29]
Transcripts: .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb) | .doc (ml)

Male / Female.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .doc (jb) | .docx (cf) | .pdf (cf) | .html (cf)

Manipura.mp3 [1:16]
Transcripts: .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb)

Materialism.mp3 [1:21]
Transcripts: .doc (ml)  

Maze.mp3 [2:03]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Memory.mp3 [1.05]
Transcripts: .pdf (pm) | .doc (pm) | .html (pm)

Metaphysics (1).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Metaphysics (1 and 2).mp3
Transcripts: May be included in next entry

Metaphysics (2).mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .doc (jb)

Modification of Substance.mp3 [1:01]
Transcripts: .docx (rf) | .pdf (rf) | .html (rf)

On Music.mp3 [1:27]
Transcripts: .doc (jb)

Transcripts: .docx (cf) | .doc (jb) | .pdf (cf) | .html (cf)

Transcripts: .pdf (gs) | .doc (gs) | .html (gs)

Non-Dualism.mp3 [1:25]
Transcripts: Please do one!  

Non-Seriality.mp3 [1:06]
Transcripts:.pdf (ar) | .doc (ar) | .html (ar)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .pdf (with tutorial) (ar)

Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Nuclear War.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Nuclear War Discussion.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Operators and Things.mp3 [1:09]
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)| .doc (ml)

Transcripts: Please do one! 

Opposites & Non-Opposites.mp3 [0:57]
Transcripts: .pdf (el) | .docx (el) | .html (el)

Opposition.mp3 [1:12]
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)

Original Sin.mp3 [1:11]
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)

Outline of Practical Work.mp3 [2:11]
Transcripts: Please do one! 

Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Pearl of Great Price.mp3 [1:26]
Transcripts: .doc (jb) .doc (ml) | .pdf (ml) | .html (ml)

Percepts / Concepts.mp3 [1:37]
Transcripts: Please do one! 

Pharisees.mp3 [1:00]
Transcripts: Please do one! 

Transcripts: .pdf (ar)

Philosphers Stone.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .pdf (ml) | .html (ml)

Physical Body and Symptoms.mp3 [2:11]
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)

Planetic Symbolism.mp3 [1:27]
Transcripts: Please do one! 

Power / Consciousness / Will.mp3 [0:45]
Transcripts: Please transcribe

Prayer.mp3 [1:25]
Transcripts: .doc (jb)

Prayer and Boehme [no audio]
Transcripts: .docx (ml) | .pdf (ml) | .html (ml)

Prometheus.mp3 [1:19]
Transcripts: Please transcribe 

Psychaesthesia.mp3 [1:38]
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Psychological Diagram.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Psychopathic Personalities.mp3 [1:03]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Pursuit of Aim.mp3 [1:28]
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)

Raising the Corpse.mp3 [1:22]
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml) | .pdf (ml)

Reading.mp3 [1:31]
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)

Real Love.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Reflexive Self Consciousness.mp3 [1:18]
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)

Reflexivity.mp3 [1:25]
Transcripts: .doc (jb) | .doc (ml)

Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Reincarnation (1).mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Reincarnation (1 and 2).mp3 [2:21]
Transcripts: May be included in previous entry

Reincarnation (2).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one! 

Religious Techniques.mp3 [1:05]
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .epub | .html (jb)

A Reminder.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .doc (jb)

Responsibility.mp3 [1:12]
Transcripts: .doc (jb) 

Ritual (1).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Ritual (1 and 2).mp3 [2:51]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Ritual (2).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Sankhya Yoga.mp3 [1:26]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Seamless Garment (no audio)
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Self Hypnosis.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf(with tutorial) (ar) | .doc (jb)

Sensum to Divine Consciousness.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Serial Thinking & Logos.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Seven Tarot Trumps (1).mp3
Transcripts: Tarot.doc (jb)? The Tarot.doc (hd)?

Seven Tarot Trumps (1 and 2).mp3 [2:32]
Transcripts: Tarot.doc (jb)? The Tarot.doc (hd)?

Seven Tarot Trumps (2).mp3
Transcripts: Tarot.doc (jb)? The Tarot.doc (hd)?

Seven Veils.mp3 [1:09]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Sex After Death.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Sex and Aggression.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (jb) 

Six Plane Yoga.mp3 [1:24]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Signs of the Zodiac (no audio)
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

SP Function.mp3 [1:10]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Space (1).mp3
Transcripts: See next entry

Space (1 and 2).mp3 [3:00]
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb) | .html (jb)

Space (2).mp3
Transcripts: see previous entry

Spirit & Flesh.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Stages of Women Discussion.mp3 [1:14]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Stimulus.mp3 [1:23]
Transcripts: Please do one! 

Stimulus Response (no audio)
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Storehouse of Memory.mp3 [1:06]
Transcripts: Please transcribe 

Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .doc (jb)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .doc (jb)

Transcripts .doc (ml) | .doc (jb)

Symbolism.mp3 [1:26]
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Symbology of the Lamp.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .pdf (ar)

Tarot, The (no audio)
Transcripts: .pdf (ml) | .doc (ml) | .html (ml)

Tarot Major Arcana (1).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Tarot Major Arcana (1 and 2).mp3 [3:08]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Tarot Major Arcana (2).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Temptation (no audio)
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Temptations of Christ (no audio)
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Tetragrammaton.mp3 [1:16]
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .html (ml) | .pdf (ml)

Three Part Man.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (with tutorial) (ar)

Transcripts: .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .epub (jb) | .html (jb)

Time and Eternity (no audio)
Transcripts: None
Audience notes: .pdf (ff) | .html (ff)

To Whom the Benefit (no audio)
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Transcripts: Please do one!

Triangle of Relations (1).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Triangle of Relations (1 and 2).mp3 [2:03]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Triangle of Relations (2).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Trinity, The .mp3 [0:49]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Trinity, The .mp3 (different from the one above)
Transcripts: Please do one!

Truth.mp3 [1:03]
Transcripts: .doc (jb) | .doc (ml) | .pdf (ml) | .html (ml)

Truth, Beauty, Goodness.mp3 [0:52]
Transcripts: Please do one! 

Two Paths, The.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (jb)

Two Serpents, The.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Unconscious / Subconscious.mp3 [2:06]
Transcripts: Please do one! 

Understanding and the Will (no audio)
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Value of Words, The.mp3
Transcripts: .docx (bh) | .pdf (bh) | .html (bh)

Virtue is Knowledge.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .doc (jb) | .docx (bh) | .pdf (bh) | .html (bh)

Vowels.mp3 [1:28]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Waiting for Godot.mp3 [1:12]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Who is Jesus?.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb) | .doc (gs) | .pdf (gs) | .html (gs)

WICR's World.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Will (1).mp3 [1:27]
Transcripts: .doc (jb) 

Will & Intellect.mp3 [1:14]
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .pdf (ml) | .html (ml)

Will and Urge.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Winter Solstice.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Wish / Will.mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (jb) | .docx (jb)

Witch's Sieve (1).mp3
Transcripts: See next entry

Witch's Sieve (1 and 2).mp3
Transcripts: .pdf (gs) | .doc (gs) | .html (gs)

Witch's Sieve (2).mp3
Transcripts: See previous entry 

Woman.mp3 [1:25]
Transcripts: .doc (jb) 

Transcripts: .doc (bh) | .pdf (bh) | .html (bh) | .pdf (picture scan of Ken Ratcliffe's transcript - 7MB file)

Yes & No.mp3 [1:37]
Transcripts: Please do one!

Yoga.mp3 [1:28]
Transcripts: Please do one! 

Yoga of Listening.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .pdf (jb)

Yoga of the Seven Centres (no audio)
Transcripts: None
Audience notes: .pdf (ff) | .html (ff)

Yogic Alignment.mp3
Transcripts .doc (ml)

Transcripts: .doc (jb) 

Transcripts: .doc (ml)

Zodiac / Human Body.mp3
Transcripts: .doc (ml) | .docx (jb) | .pdf (jb) | .html (jb) | .html (ml)

Zodiac / Tongue (1).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one! 

Zodiac / Tongue (2).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Zodiac / Tongue (3).mp3
Transcripts: Please do one!

Zodiac / Tongue (1 and 2 and 3).mp3 [3:03]
Transcripts: Please do one!